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Dear Zomertje,

Thank you for everything. Thank you for your help, and for understanding and encouraging me. I really wanted and needed to see you to say thank you before you’ve gone.


The first time we met was when I took your EWRT1C (Literature and Composition) honors course in Spring 2003. At first glance, I thought you looked like Mr. John Swensson because of your hair and figure. (Now I can definitely distinguish you from him.) At first, I was afraid because the books for the class, Homer’s The Odyssey, Michael Chabon’s The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Art Spiegelman’s Maus, Al Young’s Heaven: Collected Poems, and Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, seemed difficult for me. The class was for honors; therefore, the books were not so easy, I thought at first, but as I got used to them, I realized your purpose in choosing the books. You wanted show us a variety of unique writing styles, right? Those books were very helpful later when I was writing my “Magnum Opus” (Personal Intellectual History) at the end of the term, because I was greatly inspired by them.

It was fun to write the “Magnum Opus.” I think I have never in my life written such long paper about myself. I wrote it in 23 pages. Also, it was a good chance to look at myself. I could acknowledge what I am and find what I wanted to do from then on. The activity was one of the most important to figure out my goals. In addition, you invited all of the students to your place to celebrate the completion of our Magnum Opera. I saw the small “jungle” in your back yard, and the fruit from your garden was delicious. We had a really good time, right?

The most memorable activity in this class was the “Poetry Walk.” You brought us to the Fremont Older Open Space Reserve in the Saratoga hills to hike to the top; then, we read out the poems of Al Young one by one and discussed. It was nice weather with cool breeze in a brilliant open space with a 360-degree panorama. I was so happy and enjoyed it. Just a few weeks ago, for the first time in two years, I went to the hill with my husband and dog. Somehow and suddenly, I had felt like seeing the view with my family. Nothing changed there from when we had gone. I felt peace.


Then, in Winter 2005, I took your class again. It was Linguistics1 (Introduction to Linguistics). Again, I was afraid of one of the books because it was hard for me to understand. The reason why I took Linguistics was that I wanted to have more knowledge about languages to reinforce my job as an ESL teaching assistant. However, since it was not easy for me to catch up, and I was worrying about my grade, I told you I was dropping the class right before the drop deadline.

Miki: I think I’m going to drop this class. It’s too hard for me to get an “A” grade.

Prof. Lovas: There is no reason you drop the class. You are doing well, and your cumulate grade is A so far. Just do all of the assignments.

Miki: But I cannot understand the book. I think this class is too high a level and too excessive. This is De Anza College. I don’t need any Stanford things here.

Prof. Lovas: (Smiling) Well, you are lucky because you can experience Stanford things at De Anza. You don’t have to go to Stanford. Also, you need this class because you are going to be an ESL teacher, right?

Then, I changed my mind to stay in the class. The enjoyments were waiting for me after two-thirds of the quarter.

One of the most enlightening assignments was the “Course Project.” I used one of my workshops (the Popular Song Workshop for ESL students) as the topic of the course project because I have been an ESL teaching assistant in Listening and Speaking Lab (ATC304) for three years, and it was high time to make sure whether the workshop worked well or not. When I was making the survey sheet, you gave me some good suggestions that were from a very professional aspect that I hadn’t thought of. After I completed the project, I could find what was good and lacking in my teaching methods. You gave me a high reputation with the results, too. Also, I felt more confident because I realized what I should do next.

The other fun and thought-provoking assignment was writing about “Shilgen in Thear.”For this, you assigned us to describe the language, “Shilgen” [a reverse of English], on the setting of a mirror planet named Thear [a reverse of Earth], as if we were linguists. The assignment had reviewing the course combined with the enjoyment of creative writing.

Although I often visited your office without an appointment, you always accepted me. When I had problems with my classmates or instructors in other classes, you gave me wise advice. In spite of my “ambushes,” you were always in good humor and listened to me well. I told you I was afraid of becoming an ESL teacher because I’m not a native English speaker, and many people tell me I cannot be a good teacher because my pronunciation is not perfect. You said, “Some people need explanations in their first language when they are leaning the second language because they don’t understand the explanation in the second language. It’s not always right that an English teacher should be a native English speaker.” These words from you encouraged me a lot to be a candidate for an M.A. TESOL in the near future. I think I still need your help, but if I say that still, maybe you are not happy. I really miss you, but I will stand and go ahead on my own. And if, in the future, I could be an ESL instructor, I will take your unique teaching stance and methods to my students.

Again, thank you very much, Zomertje.

Voice of Color

There is Poem.
Poem is inspired by Voice.
Voice is filled by Youth.
Youth is painted by Voice of Color:
rose Voice of Anita
aquamarine Voice of Jonathan
olive Voice of Brian
lavender Voice of Juanita
dandelion yellow Voice of Dima
pink Voice of Ling Mei
russet Voice of Samuel
tangerine orange Voice of Jennifer
buff Voice of Szehon
peacock blue Voice of Sam
purple Voice of Patrick
iris violet Voice of Julie
chartreuse green Voice of Eli
turquoise Voice of Joseph
parrot green Voice of Ben
light peach Voice of Jihai
lime Voice of Corey
apricot Voice of Jessica
lapis lazuli Voice of John
in peace.

(Miki’s poem from Poetry Walk, Spring 2003)





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naam: I.G.F.
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yes dan hebben we er al 2 en dan doen we wat zomertje zei veel mensen uitnodigen en wat pineas en ferb zei iedereen uitnodigings rechten

heel W23 uitnodigen, W23 raakt dan sloom vanwege de massa uitnodigingen :cool:

Pas op zomertje, dat je niet invriest want het kan nog wel eens gaan vriezen in C.I.A


Geeuw, vinden de kindjes het leuk om gezamenlijk iemand de grond in te boren ja? :)


heel W23 uitnodigen, W23 raakt dan sloom vanwege de massa uitnodigingen :cool:

Pas op zomertje, dat je niet invriest want het kan nog wel eens gaan vriezen in C.I.A

+1 haha de wereld wordt vroegtijdig gestopt omdat iedereen stopt omdat de wereld te langzaam gaat.

@ glenn485 jaa dat vinden we leuk


ik zou toch maar voor :verkenner: gaan. ik heb gehoord van vrienden uit chill. dat die veel beter zijn. plus natuurlijk je gs naar 30 doen daarna mag je pas andere dingen doen.:cool:

Denk dat 'ie sarcastisch was..

En sowieso, dit topic is echt zinloos. :confused:


Geeuw, vinden de kindjes het leuk om gezamenlijk iemand de grond in te boren ja? :)

doe gezellig mee joh? :D

Trouwens een kritiek puntje Zomertje, als je mensen klakkeloos uitnodigt, zet dit dan ook niet op het profiel van C.I.A :

joinen ? een nette solicitatie met daarin je ervaringen en waarom je een aanwinst bent solicitaties als mag ik in de stam worden genegeerd

Of zie jij ''Hallo, ik ben ****** ben 13 jaar oud en woon in **** mag ik in de stam?'' al als goede solli?:p


Eerlijk, dat hij dit topic opent is ook niet zo énorm slim :p

So what? Hij lijkt me niet echt zo oud, hij weet niet beter. Dan zouden jullie het verstand moeten hebben om hierop niet in te gaan. Blijkbaar moeten jullie dat verstand nog krijgen.

@black ninja4 liever in een stam met gezellige mensen, dan in een stam met mensen die denken dat ze goed zijn, maar er eigenlijk geen reet van kunnen.
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