Well, how and where should I start? I think, I'll do by explaining why I am not writing in dutch language: I never did here. Whenever I have written dutch words, it has been Seppe and the lovely Opus people, who translated it all for me before posting (yes, those were the old times where there was no google translator). It's that long ago, yes - it has been at world 1, where I entered the NL universe of tribal wars as an undercover foreigner
*grin*. Anyone remembering TWplus? Well - hello from the past
That's how I came here long long ago - and that's how I met Duckje/Seppe... and I was allowed to stay... and never have regret it. And while I stayed here for a while at world 1, I saw a community growing - formed by the empathic, wise and patient decisions of Seppe (and his team of course!). And it was a community, where I just felt comfortable. Building a gaming community where people feel comfortable (despite rules being enforced, bans being spoken and whatever many gamers may come across by some time), where everlasting friendships are made, where people come together and stay to enjoy a great time together - is probably one of the hardest things for a community manager to achieve. And it is just admirable, if one gets there. Just as Seppe did. The
WAY he did.
Being notified, that he was kind of kicked out of the way - out of what he built up from the very foundation - made me a bit angry.
Fearing that my following words will be censored or something like that, I' still write it with my own words - unadorned, honest:
It obviously has a longterm tradition at InnoGames to withdraw respect and gratitude from people and projects who have been there (nearly) from the beginning - helping, being a bridge between gamers and producers, making a thing/game having become a success.
Sure - it's their product, it's their "whatever it is now". But it's also just one thing no more: fairness and decency.
Seppe - from the very bottom of my heart: keep your head high, be proud of what you've achieved. Be sure, that there are more people out there appreciating your long years of efforts than those who apparently don't.
identify|twplus / Mario